The mission of Kaneland Community Unit School District #302 is to graduate all students college, career, and community ready

McKinney-Vento Act

Pursuant to McKinney-Vento
all school districts must have in place a liaison for homeless children and youth.

McKinney-Vento Children

Who are they?
A McKinney-Vento eligible child is one who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime living situation. In general, children or youth living in motels, transitional housing, shelters, the streets, cars, abandoned buildings, and other inadequate accommodations are considered eligible for McKinney-Vento services. This includes the following groups: Children in Shelters Doubled-up Children (living with another family due to lack of a permanent residence) Children living in Motels due to lack of alternative adequate living situation Migratory Children (if accommodations are not fit for habitation) Runaways (children who have run away from home and live in a shelter or inadequate accommodations, even if parents are willing to provide a home)Lockouts (children whose parents or guardians will not permit them to live at home)
These last two categories are UHY, child not in the physical custody of their guardian and lacking a fixed, regular and adequate place.

What are their rights? The Education for Homeless Children and Youth program, as part of the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act ensures homeless children the right to: choose either to stay in the school of origin (school last attended or school attended when child lost permanent housing) or attend the school serving the area they are temporarily staying. Their Caregiver makes the choice. immediate enrollment even if medical or other records cannot be produced at time of enrollment receive assistance with transportation if needed priority to preschool programs for eligible youngsters free lunch and fee waivers
If you think you might qualify for McKinney-Vento services please contact your school, McKinney-Vento Liaison at (630) 365-4119, or They will also have information on local community Resources.

D302 Homeless Liason

Dr. Jackie Bogan
Associate Superintendent